Jagged Alliance 3 Militia / Raid Tips

Publish date: 2024-07-28

Militia / Raid

Training militia very early on seems like a good idea but I went off it very quickly.

They have ~5 bases that will repeatedly send out teams to recapture everything and to be quite blunt I couldn’t possibly keep up with the chaos.

What I did was make a beeline for those bases (little watchtower icon I think on the tile) and took them out. Then they stop raiding you incessantly.

There is the ‘final’ boss base that keeps sending more but you can block them with militia at the nearby port/town pretty easy if you wish and see to other things.

Take out the mines as well so they stop sending couriers that take back your stuff too.

Games so much better without them… until the nasty plot twist anyway….

Something to note if you insist on militia anyway is that:

Good luck!

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