Dread X Collection 2 General Tips

Publish date: 2024-07-08

This is not a complete walkthrough. These are quick suggestions to help folks get through key areas of difficulty. See the House Guide for anything involving the hub. These answers have been compiled (and edited) from discussions, threads, streams, and the developers directly. Spoilers beware!


Basic Tips


Dread X Collection 2 General Tips

This is a guide to help folks skip past difficult parts in the game. See the House Guide for advice on the house. It is not a comprehensive FAQ/walkthrough, so don’t expect to find all the spooky secrets here. Happy playing!

Charlotte’s Exile


The Eye of Nyarlathotep will steal the box if you do not look at him occasionally. The notes within the box tell you how to get the good ending, but you can still get to the end without it.

This is the key to the Alphabet:

Here is the journal filled out:

Here is the box note:

These diagrams show you which buttons to press on the board for either ending.

Evil Ending

Good Ending

Squirrel Stapler

Squirrel facts

The Diving Bell


Touched by an Outer God


It is not possible to get all of the upgrades in a single run, not only because some are mutually exclusive but also you may not obtain enough parts to purchase all Tier 3 upgrades.

Upgrades that are marked as “mutually exclusive” simply mean that by purchasing the upgrade one or more future upgrades will no longer be accessible. For example, you can only get one “charge” attack per hand so if you get the Sniper Charge upgrade you can’t get the Grenade Charge upgrade. There are many upgrades, so this enhances the roguelike mechanics.

The question button in the top left of the “tab” leveling menu has a lot of useful tips.

There is a “notes found” indicator in the Upgrade menu to help track how many have been found. Level 1 has a note in it, so do not skip level 1 if you wish to collect all the notes.

Many upgrades are “synergistic” with each other, for example the fire projectile upgrade only has a chance to ignite a hit enemy. So something like the Automatic Charge upgrade where you shoot projectiles back-to-back offers a higher chance to ignite.

To The End Of Days


The Toy Shop


Boss Tips


“Q” holsters/equips torch. “R” to interact with the torch or pick axe. Player must be still to trigger.

Another Late Night




Sucker For Love


The Thing in the Lake




More Guides:

Written by Artman Cometh
